
What Does She Do With The Money A Raisin In The Sun

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A Raisin in the Dominicus Choices

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Act One, Scene Ii
Ruth Younger

RUTH (Beaten)
Yeah I would also, Walter. (Pause) I gave her a five-dollar down payment. (one.two.237)

Ruth takes matters into her ain easily and consults an abortionist before telling whatsoever of her family unit members about her pregnancy. This choice is a major cede for Ruth on a personal level, only she feels like it's a necessary cede for her family.

Act 2, Scene 1
Lena Younger (Mama)

MAMA (Putting her finger on his olfactory organ for emphasis)
She went out and she bought you a firm! (The explosion comes from WALTER at the stop of the revelation and he jumps upward and turns away from all of them in a fury. MAMA continues, to TRAVIS) You glad well-nigh the house? It'due south going to exist yours when you lot get to be a homo. (2.i.156)

Lena announces to Travis and the family unit that she has purchased a house with Big Walter's life insurance money. She did not consult anyone well-nigh it beforehand.

MAMA (Raising her eyes to meet his finally)
Son – I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family unit. (2.1.178)

Lena stands upward for her right to utilise the money the best way she saw fit. She feels that she has made the right choice for her family and that, as head of that family, she had the correct to do it.

MAMA (The mother and son are left lonely at present and the mother waits a long time, considering deeply, before she speaks)
Son – y'all – y'all sympathize what I done, don't y'all? (WALTER is silent and sullen) I – I but seen my family unit falling apart today… just falling to pieces in front of my optics…We couldn't of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards 'stead of forrad – talking 'tour killing babies and wishing each other was dead…When it gets like that in life – you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger… (She waits) I wish yous say something, son…I wish yous'd say how deep inside you lot you think I done the right matter – (2.ane.186)

Lena needed to make a big decision in order to become her family dorsum on track, even if it meant disappointing her son. She knows her choice will be a hard one, but still she felt it was the best thing to do.

Act Two, Scene Two
Lena Younger (Mama)

MAMA I've helped do it to you, oasis't I, son? Walter I been wrong
Listen to me, now. I say I been incorrect, son. That I been doing to you what the rest of the world been doing to you. (2.2.111-three)

Lena realizes she may have contributed to Walter's state of helplessness and decides to rectify her error. She now believes that she might have fabricated the wrong pick in non giving Walter any of the money.

That leaves threescore-five hundred dollars. Monday morn I want you to take this money and take three thousand dollars and put information technology in a savings account for Beneatha's medical schooling. The rest y'all put in a checking account – with your name on information technology. And from now on any penny that come out of it or that become in it is for you lot to look after. For you to decide. (2.2.113)

Lena decides to give all that's left of the insurance money to Walter, hoping that entrusting him will resurrect his faith in himself. In the curt term, this seems like a really bad choice, because Walter loses all the money to Willy Harris. Ultimately, though, it leads to Walter's redemption. It seems like even choices that sometimes seem bad can turn out alright in the end.

Walter Younger

You lot wouldn't empathise however, son, but your daddy's gonna make a transaction…a business transaction that'due south going to alter our lives…That's how come up one twenty-four hour period when you 'bout seventeen years old I'll come home and I'll exist pretty tired, you know what I mean, afterward a 24-hour interval of conferences and secretaries getting things incorrect the fashion they practice…'crusade an executive's life is hell, man – (The more he talks the further abroad he gets) (2.2.130)

Walter believes that the liquor store investment is a good thought. He's convinced that his use for the money will have a positive effect on the family, although his ambitions only disillusion him from doubting Willy.

Act Two, Scene Three

BOBO (Standing over him helplessly)
I'one thousand sorry, Walter… (Only WALTER'South sobs reply. BOBO puts on his lid) I had my life staked on this bargain, besides… (He exits) (two.3.183)

Walter and Bobo both changed the class of their families' future by trusting Willy with their coin. This was bad decision on both of their parts and both of their families will suffer equally a result.

Act Three
Walter Younger

WALTER (Coming to her)
I'm going to feel fine, Mama. I'g going to look that son-of-a-b**** in the eyes and say – (He falters) – and say, "All right, Mr. Lindner – (He falters fifty-fifty more) – that's your neighborhood out there! You got the right to continue information technology like yous want! You got the right to take it like you want! Merely write the bank check and – the house is yours" (His voice almost breaks) "And you – you people just put the money in my hand and yous won't have to live next to this bunch of stinking n*****s!…" (He straightens up and moves away from his mother, walking around the room) And maybe – maybe I'll just become down on my black knees… (He does and so; RUTH and BENNIE and MAMA watch him in frozen horror) "Helm, Mistuh, Bossman – (Groveling and grinning and wringing his hands in profoundly anguished imitation of the tedious-witted picture show stereotype) A-hee-hee-hee! Oh, yassuh boss! Yasssssuh! Peachy white – (Phonation breaking, he forces himself to get on) – Father, simply gi' ussen de money, fo' God'southward sake, and we's – we'due south own't gwine come out deh and dingy up yo' white folks neighborhood…" (He breaks down completely) And I'll feel fine! Fine! FINE! (He gets upwards and goes into the bedroom) (three.1.103)

Walter decides that he'due south going to play the stereotype that Karl Lindner has labeled him as. He figures selling out and forfeiting his dignity is the only way to earn his begetter's money back.

Don't cry, mama. Empathise. That white man is going to walk in that door able to write checks for more money than nosotros e'er had. It's important to him and I'm going to aid him…I'thou going to put on the show, Mama. (

Walter explains to Lena that he is going to play according to a racist person's rules in order to earn the family coin. This choice is a real blow to his mother.

And we have decided to movement into our business firm because my father – my male parent – he earned it for u.s. brick past brick (MAMA has her eyes closed and is rocking dorsum and forth as though she were in church, with her caput nodding the Amen yes) We don't desire to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that's all we got to say about that. (He looks the man absolutely in the eyes) We don't want your money. (He turns and walks away) (iii.i.133)

Walter tells Lindner that the Youngers are going to motility into the house. Their motion is not motivated past bug of race, but of a family unit'south right to create a domicile. By choosing not to give into Lindner, Walter regains his dignity.

Lena Younger (Mama)

MAMA (Opening her eyes and looking into WALTER'S)
No. Travis, you stay right here. And you make him empathise what you doing, Walter Lee. You lot teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you. You lot show where our five generations done come up to. (WALTER looks from her to the boy, who grins at him innocently) Get alee, son – (She folds her hands and closes her optics) Go ahead. (3.ane.120)

Lena urges Walter to consider how his deportment affect his son. She makes Walter recollect about how his choices might influence Travis's choices in the future. If Walter gives into Lindner, will it set a negative example for his son? Will Travis sacrifice his dignity in similar ways?

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